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Are you sitting right?

More and more, people are complaining of neck ache, lower back pain and general lethargy. How often do you stretch out your neck and your back and hear a 'crack'? Do your eyes have that 'dry' feeling? are your hands cold? Does your wrist ache?

This may be due to poor posture at your desk.

Below are some guidelines to help you minimize physical discomfort that may accompany prolonged static postures and repetitive motions.

Your Chair

The chair is one of the most important items in your workplace. It can encourage good posture and circulation and so help you to avoid discomfort. Select a chair that is comfortable for you; it should be adjustable and provide good back support. You should adjust your chair so that:

  • Your knees are slightly below your pelvis (seat of chair is tilting slightly downwards) and there is support for your lower back. Lower back support may be improved with a cushion or a rolled up towel if chair has inadequate support.
  • Your feet rest flat on the floor. If your chair is too high you should use a footrest. You should change your sitting position occasionally during the day. Sitting in a fixed position for too long can induce discomfort.

Your Keyboard

Comfortable use depends on keyboard height, arm position and touch. You are seated correctly if:

  • The keyboard is positioned so that your arms are relaxed and comfortable, and your forearms are roughly horizontal.
  • Your shoulders are in a relaxed position, not hunched up.
  • Your wrists should be extended straight, not bent up or down uncomfortably.
  • Place the mouse close to the keyboard so that you can use it without stretching or leaning over to one side.

Your Monitor

Most displays feature a variety of adjustments which enable you to set up your equipment in a way most comfortable to you:

  • Position yourself and the display to achieve and maintain a comfortable viewing distance, usually about 20 to 24 inches (50 to 60 cm).
  • Adjust the display so that the top of the screen is slightly below eye level for comfortable viewing.
  • Make sure that you position the screen to minimize glare and reflections from overhead lights, windows and other sources.
  • Keep your head in a comfortable but upright position.

Ergonomic Assessment of your office

Glasnevin Physical Therapy undertake individual and group work station assessments.

If you would like an assessment of your work station just call us on 811 7777


© Glasnevin Physical Therapy (formally Bodyworks Clinic) 2003-2012 |  113a Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 811 77 77